Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i'm bored.

So Great! having long holidays! off in touch from SAF, so shiok nv drove for at more than 3 weeks! maybe because i'm one of the seniors there le ba. but Sooo Bored! i m doing nothing at home everyday. my life and sleeping hrs changes! o dear now i barely see the sun for 3 hrs...i sleep at abt 5 am everyday. i dunno why i can't sleep to.. and woke up like 3-4pm everyday. in like 3 hrs the sky was dark again. zz. die la like this...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm not Emo la =D

I dunno why, when i kept quiet for an instance. i'm being said EMo? haha. that's was long long time ago.. haha. It's FINALLY A HOLIDAY. OR LET'S SAY A BREAK FOR ME!!First time in 2009 i'm not gonna receive calls from my Companies, asking me to get back During WEEKENDS! wohoo. though i receive. I'll Definately turn down! now's the time for me to preserve the precious Bounding Time with the rest of my frens to those who are going Abroad. and to those who will be much much busier when they got emself posted to Regimental Units furthurs.OMGosh! , JM. now den i know you are going there for 5 yrs!! ~.~ omg. if they had not inform me. i'had presume that it's only for a yr or 2. haha. Well that's definately gonna miss you. And u better meet us more often. =D now. haok, i dunno wat am i gonna do these fews coming weeks. but my mum had task me assignments to paint ours house walls. Cool huh ~.~" but definately not painting walls everyday..
Yesterday evening, Our whole companies line went to attend one of out fellows mate's mum "Sonka" after de fall out. I'm so sorry for him. he was that friendly, that kinda cheerful to see everyday. but that particular moment, we were all loss for words. all i did was a hug and a word of " Jie Ai Sun Bian". now, he's the only Bro that's taking care of his yr bro and that's all. sad to say he was only 22. haiz..I think we ppl really gonna cherish wat we guys have now. be it our relative or anyone. it's better to say out asap than to keep in mind and not able to say it anymore...