Monday, March 30, 2009


finally ar~!
No more running
no more 5.45 am
no more Regimantation Rules.
no more marching to cookhouse
no more Stand by AREA~
Stay out LO~!
no more field camp
no more urban ops
no more field ration
no more 11 Standard obstacle Courses~
no more IPPT
no more Basic close combat.
best~! no more 24km route march LO~!!

everything has ended. the end of the army training and yet the start of my driving for another 1yrs 2 mth.

i finish my Bmt Training in tekong already Sadly i haven lose a bit.

bout 5 kg?

but i just realise i gain back 2 kgtoday when i measure.

can't maintain LOL!

. preparing for to continue phase of non stop driving everyday. Watch out! i'm aiming for my Driving license, i can't wait for the day to get it which is like somewhere around april-may 2010 ba... sian. nexy week going for my M-set course(Mainly Sleep Eat Talk) course. it gonna be boring for 2 weeks. as tat last 2 week...n... after tat class 5 course. oh ya thurs will be my Chemical defence... Face gonna be painful

Well Well. my own reference haha...

and i was just flipping through de friendster just now only to realise how much my frens around me had changes soo sooo much. in fact. i m too. i grown fatter lol, nah that was a joke,
One that especially causes me to a feeling of remoseful..or in the other way. i felt guilty for the way i use to doing tat to her last time. being rude.. nasty... insult adding on INSULT. some more she was sitting beside me. classmate somemore
me losing out and yet not admitting. Instead of being back as a normal classmate as her. or even friends, she became a hatred for me at that time. truely sorry man. i was still unable to think at
that time..
Thinking back. lol wat a bastard i could be last time man. Childish man TK~! Once again to whoever it may concern. Sori lo. haha. no 1 is petty in the world la. just only to forgive or not.

Sign oFf.. tk..

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