Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Yea back from field"

finally back from the miserable, dirty and most boring sabawang camp after a week. =D
and guess wat, tml's our coy cohesion day.. ... "woohoo" haha zzzz
k sleep.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

May this week pass fast!

Hate this coming week, after my POP from Tekong since last yrs march, i had not been in the fields! and this coming week i'm gonna be out in De FIELD.
1 week outfield namely considerating as my ORD package of what i known of, not to mention can't go home, and comes the following Saturday of my company Cohesion? namely "Chinatown amazing race.." (Lol) it's definately something we Gonna""" enjoy. haha.

1 issue
An example of the so called emotional asa "emo" that i flash across an example, last week. something which i finally understand to my own extend. my own opinion kz.. Emo can somehow be Elmo. haha that's not funny.

Sometimes emo to others, can really means fussy, Irriation, craziness over certain issue, such to the extend of being lame towards self. where other might not know watcha feeling, might not seen watcha doing. only self understanding of wat U,urself are emo for?
Yes, one can emo, and who have not emo before. If one doesn't get emotional, we might think he have no feeling, but not for too long as you must always tell yourself to get it over and done wif, first ur friends might be able to give a listening ears, but, "listen" BUT being emotionally down for too long might become a fuzz for ppl around U. not to mention being Emo as and when a person can be, whoa that's kinda scary and hard to handle... lucky i'm not one of it. haha. but once again i shall say i will nv know know how deep a person can be emotionally hurt.. haha, but looking a my older post..i feel like slapping in the mean time laughing out loudly to myself. I, TK have actually been so emotionally myself before. Haha.i dumb. =.=" bodoh!
Once again u nv know how deep it can be yea?.. haha Cheers! =D

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to Sqr 1.

A head start of a brand new yrs 2010, a year fill with unknown and suprises. a year where most of ur friends will turn 21st (which i think it's kinda impt of an age hop [yea some ppl dun forget. haha ]). a year where friends might get much busier (be it, studies? working? Wif Mr/Mrs Right? etc.) haha! 2 ladies flying off soon. arg! see yea nov.

Happy start of the year, Off we went to Msia, had sooooo much fun during this getaway! greats deals for the ladies. not 4 us -.- haha, however greats food and elses too for us. but most importantly it's the moment of us enjoying this short holiday. Not too blend not too salty. it's just nice! Probably 1 of the best.

Well back to the usual sucky boring life. Basically, Entertaining wif some of those imature regulars, so old yet so childish, so young yet so naggy, some worst, doing rubbish work yet seem like enjoying. Lucky i'm old bird enuff. nv touch me. if not, nv ending. everything's back to Sqr 1. there. and Woh! i just realise, Exactly 5more mth to Ops Ready Date June 11 here i come! =D

What am i gonna do next? i shall see. but poly is a definate must. but as to when to go in? i'm still thinking. Let's see what could i do this year ahead of's still cloudy ahead man.. lol..