Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Damm! my heart felt so heavy for some cause... gosh.. i feel like losing out... ARGH!!really worried siah.............really LO! how how :(
feel like asking for advice.. but who can i ask siah! ache... ache...
sooner or later man... i would lose.. :( or maybe to say. i may lose.. haiyo

Monday, November 21, 2011

My school My life My hobby

Went to NYP, April 2011I know a bunch of school mates~ saw the guys in my class. i can only say that they are truely, simply my reflection, not saying that they are childish.. but it was more like "i was like that before".. i had been through those stages, and realise, i had mature more. That's something that i m proud of myself. And Of Cos, MY classmate are AWEsome, Lovely.MY classmate typically are mostly belong to the So CAlled "Y" Generations... where their thinking, matter's like how they see things are totally different from those teens or u may call us youngster born way off 1986-9~s (the so called semi "y" generation) us. i learnt a lot from them. i totally see the changes.. they way they are brought up, the things they learn.. they childhood that the had.. it's different... totally different.. So unique and so interesting... Haha. more to learn from them. haha i get to see the true evolution of this era~ 1 thing i totally love it'... my result. for last sem.. I have to say.. I M PROUD of it.. for the first time of my life.. i got it...!! i know wat's impt now... that's y i got it...
Finally Some how :D

All in 1 update :D

i realise, since i ORD. i had not posted.. i had a full-filled life outta. Basically living somehow to the fullest so far.. :Dto sum up. july 2010 - march 2011, i work @ ibm as a IT-Cordinator. Stress at work but funniest colleage out there too! we shared the pain, the happiness, the anger together.. we work as 1, help as 1, die as 1. No matter how political other party's are toward our dept. We are not knock down definately, well exceptional for our team leader~~Janet~~ she's easily blown, but she way too nice. ..Aniwae, Cos we Are a Team. Love ya IBMers~ Cheers :D

Singapore! gosh.. u made me so confuse.. i am wondering seriously, i m studying that hard now.. being truely being A Citizen or another generation of working slave.. are we really ur beloved Citizen? or are we the man-power next-to-be.. ? let's see.. dun made me feel like a lost lost sheep in the nation.. singapore :(