Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i'm bored.

So Great! having long holidays! off in touch from SAF, so shiok nv drove for at more than 3 weeks! maybe because i'm one of the seniors there le ba. but Sooo Bored! i m doing nothing at home everyday. my life and sleeping hrs changes! o dear now i barely see the sun for 3 hrs...i sleep at abt 5 am everyday. i dunno why i can't sleep to.. and woke up like 3-4pm everyday. in like 3 hrs the sky was dark again. zz. die la like this...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm not Emo la =D

I dunno why, when i kept quiet for an instance. i'm being said EMo? haha. that's was long long time ago.. haha. It's FINALLY A HOLIDAY. OR LET'S SAY A BREAK FOR ME!!First time in 2009 i'm not gonna receive calls from my Companies, asking me to get back During WEEKENDS! wohoo. though i receive. I'll Definately turn down! now's the time for me to preserve the precious Bounding Time with the rest of my frens to those who are going Abroad. and to those who will be much much busier when they got emself posted to Regimental Units furthurs.OMGosh! , JM. now den i know you are going there for 5 yrs!! ~.~ omg. if they had not inform me. i'had presume that it's only for a yr or 2. haha. Well that's definately gonna miss you. And u better meet us more often. =D now. haok, i dunno wat am i gonna do these fews coming weeks. but my mum had task me assignments to paint ours house walls. Cool huh ~.~" but definately not painting walls everyday..
Yesterday evening, Our whole companies line went to attend one of out fellows mate's mum "Sonka" after de fall out. I'm so sorry for him. he was that friendly, that kinda cheerful to see everyday. but that particular moment, we were all loss for words. all i did was a hug and a word of " Jie Ai Sun Bian". now, he's the only Bro that's taking care of his yr bro and that's all. sad to say he was only 22. haiz..I think we ppl really gonna cherish wat we guys have now. be it our relative or anyone. it's better to say out asap than to keep in mind and not able to say it anymore...

Monday, November 9, 2009

2d1n msia. Ah gong's 80th birthday

Let me give myself a flashback and let's not to forget these beautiful memories that have gone through my 2009 before crossing the path of 2010.

Nov 7 sat,
I had like.. a typical Ah Going Birthday Celebration in Kampong, which is held in my uncle school hall, with Invitation to many kampong resident held in a kinda rundown kampong school hall,
This trip to Msia, I see the unite of the resident where they will come and help up in setting up the small party we are having in the evening, the kinda celebration is not seem in the modem era of the lifestyles of ppl anymore. Maybe that's the diff between we ppl now. haha!
Well, it's was organise by my uncle, well my Gong~ have abt 6 B and 3 G, and 1 of it was my mum. Which's the side i'm closer to. I'm so happy to see how e the whole event run a success except for the black out at the school halll HAHAHA.
Wonderful present for my's Gong! A trip to Starcrusie from my sis and mum, and even to Guang zhou by my youngest uncle.
Thankful for giving such a beautiful family and realative=D
I m lazy yo type more. let the pic shows.

That's My Gong~

Invitation Card

First Gift was a Power Tap!


That's was my family Gift with 4d3n cruise trip for my Grandparent

The Guangzhou Trip for 2

Not shown here. but it's a gift of a 34 inc lcd tv back at home.

Yu Ren Shen? i guess haha.

Casio watch, a pair.

Yu Ren shen too? lol

that's my dearest little cousin.

i was force to wear this hat. but somehow it look nice..

and that's the heart-warming relative i had back in msia.

Games time for the kids.


Wonderful time i guess. and a memorable 1. =D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Chemical Def.

August National Day was indeed a very busy month for my workplace.
this is the 4th's time, i've spent my days at home within this month.
And yesterday was my 4th time lying on my warm and comfortable bed at home.
This week waS a very happening week, i went for my chemical Def course. we were taught to wore those face mask and personal protective suit which weight more than 5 kg.. zzz and spend the whole day under the freaking hot Sun learning all those Shitting, eating, drinking by wearing the bloody suit. i do not know how many other ppl have wore this suit before me and it smell so Good, i can presume the previous user was an ah-neh ba, cos the aroma still exist. and worst my suit became heavier due to my prespiration and it smell even better! i got 'poison' by the aroma, having serious headache that night man...
The next day, we enter the gas chamber, we were told to do those shit we learn yesterday we were the first group to go in,the moment we step in the chamber, we started seeing ppl shouting for help already. their Gear had leak those chem gas inside em... lucky i was told to tighten my mask.. and i saw them struggle out..and the instrustor ask if and 1 still leaking, i feel like raising my hand so i can get out of there immediately, i begining to scare man.. but i wanna try. if not no fun. haha. We did those shit and the finale was to take off those Suit that we were wearing and feel the sensation of the chemical Attack. the first breath that i inhale wo the mask, we were ask to proceed out of the chamber. the immediate effect came. i can feel thousand of needle pricking on my face. the gas i inhale, Tear instantly, drool like baby, and mucus keep flowing down my nose are uncontrolable.. but it recover some 10 mins later. it was Suck! What an experience. zzz

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Greats day today.

Finally a Break off from my camp,
went to meet jo, jm, sh n ken for some blading session.
I had 2 Great fall.. My butt still hurts now. AWw..w..
July had been the busiest month of all i my Army Life..
Sad to realise that i had no been Caring for my frens haiz~
Well... may all Sad Things Goes Away and All the Happy matter Come In!!
Cheer Up guys. There's always Pit Stop along the road. Once u Rest enuff. We move on.. JY

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Only today, i can settle down back from camp. and made my first Message for this month...
Okays, friends are leaving 1 by 1.. there's 1 that's gonna leave will be next yr Too!
More are coming but yet to confirm..
Life's happening.. and all the time we guy spend together are Short but memorable.
Golden memories stays =)
Bye Charmaine! Enjoy ur trip!
We guys Awaits you.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A week under the hot Sun

The week summarised, entirely bored. This week's Sun was in a very good mood, it entirely shine the whole day, haha had my forklift Assessment on Fri, Pass! =D stress for 1 week and Pass! I guess i found my talent in learning almost all kinda transport.. haha. but a wonderful experience for me throughout my days. i had learn Class 3, 4, 4s, FL, having my class 5 course on next coming july, too bad i can't convert those to civilian license except Class 3... but at least i get to drove those in my life.. thought that's nothing to be proud of.. haha..

this coming tuesday and wednesday covering Vip-detailing.. sian another 48hrs burnt..
Sian ar, why choose me?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Trip

A little short trip to malaysia capital KL Sunway. Eeks miss the viking ship though it was fun! The great campanion were the reason being fun too. And the massage was an Experience one, though this might be some's last trip together with us. All of them had their life to move on.. it's might jus be like a last trip for some, but, a fun and memorable one...

Friday, May 29, 2009

June... will it be as fast as May...?

Great to believe! it's another month. May Just Ended Cool! with little colors of this month. nothing especially happens.. it's a no life month to me.. but happy to say i left 1 more year to ORD!!
NS. 1 blink of my life.. lol

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1/2 day for May

Yea, as expected half the month have pass so far, just like half a day,
partically not going home everyday now. Camp's Air Conditional. and i can wake up at 7.30 everyday instead of 5.00 daily. Cool huh. =D Pratically same rountine everyday, that's why it pass by fast..
The world's never fair.. yep.. never fair.. haha...IPPT tml. gonna sleep.

why no update since Dec? engrossing in another world nw? haha
All de best.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May's = 1 day

I'm practically living a day for a day. living for the sake of living. wasting the earth Oxygen lol.
been staying in home and camp for the past few weeks. engrossing myself in the busy camp life and the stoneing @ home. i'l be very busy in the camp and once i got home, i'll stone.. so this May i think it'll be like 1 day. A blink and it'll be over. actually this is good also. and 1 thing. i love staying in my's better than staying home facing the computer where my mum might nag. lol. I repeat... Might. haha

That day of my Pass out parade 18 march
sm1 manage to caught me on shots on that day of JM's birthday haha!
I find the old uniform nicer. haha

Friday, April 17, 2009

It seems that my birthday always fall on the fews fellow weeks that non of my friends are free.. or.. They are too busy until not even a sms? lol Cham ar tk.. lol. okay that's not my pt today.

Finally, i manage to get some videos into my PSP after i bought if for more than 6 months. without even knowing how to insert a video-.-"
Lost contact wif a lot of my friends around. especially my ite frens ba. lol caught them a fews in diff part of the camp around SG... Quite cool lol all with botak hair.. haha.
okay need to wake up later at 5am sharp. i think it's better for me to sleep nw.. haha.
Lifes bad now. wahaha...

Monday, March 30, 2009


finally ar~!
No more running
no more 5.45 am
no more Regimantation Rules.
no more marching to cookhouse
no more Stand by AREA~
Stay out LO~!
no more field camp
no more urban ops
no more field ration
no more 11 Standard obstacle Courses~
no more IPPT
no more Basic close combat.
best~! no more 24km route march LO~!!

everything has ended. the end of the army training and yet the start of my driving for another 1yrs 2 mth.

i finish my Bmt Training in tekong already Sadly i haven lose a bit.

bout 5 kg?

but i just realise i gain back 2 kgtoday when i measure.

can't maintain LOL!

. preparing for to continue phase of non stop driving everyday. Watch out! i'm aiming for my Driving license, i can't wait for the day to get it which is like somewhere around april-may 2010 ba... sian. nexy week going for my M-set course(Mainly Sleep Eat Talk) course. it gonna be boring for 2 weeks. as tat last 2 week...n... after tat class 5 course. oh ya thurs will be my Chemical defence... Face gonna be painful

Well Well. my own reference haha...

and i was just flipping through de friendster just now only to realise how much my frens around me had changes soo sooo much. in fact. i m too. i grown fatter lol, nah that was a joke,
One that especially causes me to a feeling of remoseful..or in the other way. i felt guilty for the way i use to doing tat to her last time. being rude.. nasty... insult adding on INSULT. some more she was sitting beside me. classmate somemore
me losing out and yet not admitting. Instead of being back as a normal classmate as her. or even friends, she became a hatred for me at that time. truely sorry man. i was still unable to think at
that time..
Thinking back. lol wat a bastard i could be last time man. Childish man TK~! Once again to whoever it may concern. Sori lo. haha. no 1 is petty in the world la. just only to forgive or not.

Sign oFf.. tk..