Friday, May 30, 2008

Everlasting Days 30 May 2008

OPPS~ sori! i had not blog for a long time. =X

Been's busy, playing perhaps. wasting my youth away. ani way next 2 week in camp le. so dun have to worri. Lifes been like blend blend? tasteless, no sweetness, no salt, and of all

bitterness fade... lye wat every 1 said, "time's Heals" ...
my lifes was like Work, play, sleep, work play sleep.. X1 days, X2 Days, X3 days. ARGH! lifeless!~ should my enlistment come in oct. i will really cry man. lol.. but luckily it's coming so. WEEeeeeEE
~ few my frens were veri bad. they say Enlists 1 "me" walking into the camp. come out end up 4 person carry me out. HAHA i laugh, but may not be funny. to me's this kinda joke is okay. but in terms when, trashing up my diginity, family. i would retaliate. w/o thinking... but lucky tis nv happens before. jus tat some word would sparks me off to talk back. haha.... can't control =X SOri.

aniwaes all the best... 2 u and tc~ always... Buaiz~ T_T

By Silence, I Hear Other Men's Imperfection & Conceal My Own...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday Vesak Day

Wow. how did i spend my vesak day? uhm play coms. at home lo. at nite evening i went to meet my msia fren to play basketball. they kept running and i keep chasing until i hei hei chuan... den the 3rd round i stood there like a shooting machine liao. lol. lazy to move. and moreover the shooter machine is inaccuarte. lol. ok.
HAPPY VESAK DAY!.. uhm happy vesak day? did i celebrate it? no! haha..
i suggust there should be a public holiday called, gaming day! haha =D , i guess this celebration would be universal if apporoved. hahaha...

i know, we are answering each other qs. indirectly in a way.
if wonder how's she doing, i will check it out. indirectly too..

my frens said they didn't understand wat i said, but i told them, if they dun understand is alrite, as long as sm1 does. hoho... tat will be fine. ^^
at least problems and problems are solved, but in a veri veri veri slow pace.. tat better than keeping quiet.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday, Usual Day

Yes it's once again mid-night another day have pass again. i was late for work for 1 n 1/2 hrs today. sian.
alarm to me dun see an effective device to wake me up animore.

i had totally no sense of alarm ringing every morning.
Still remember last time i can woke up anitime in the morning jus to give a morning sms to her. chking out on whether woke up a not. trying my best ensuring she got sch on time. den i continue to sleep. ahaha. aniway tat's past.

but i myself in the end nv wake up on time for my school. haha i was always late for 1/2hr or more.

Still remeber i got my "O" lvl result. i was shock. everything was alrite? Dnt b3, math b3, chin b4, Combine huma b4, AND THE SHOCKING ENG E8 OMG!!!! i saw it. i stood there. like a statue. hahaha. still remember called my mum told her. " i fail eng" she laugh off and said. " dun joke la" . ok den, i hang up the phone. and went home. ly on the bed everydae, after tat frens call up and we eventually meet out. fail o lvl still got the mood to go out haha. went off ate seoul garden i rmb. saw all my fren disscuing wat course should they take. but some were too. in bad mood jus becoz of their result, i didn't got tat sad. i expected a C6 for my eng, but i din expected it to happen, o ya btw my science got E8 as well. but well i did expected tat kinda of result for my science and i was prepare for tat. so impact wasn't tat great.
okkokokok, i got myself to ITE Very luckily, Y I SAID LUCKILY BECOS the requirement for my Info-Tech was minimum of E8 english, D7 math, and E8 for science!! which i feel i m at the border line of the entry reqirement for tat school. phew, i told cher even say every single seat represent 3 people on waiting list... haa. consider others. i m lucky enuff... alrite i stop here first. continue tml.

a usual days comes. after i had the unusual...
unusual days come after a storm..
storm come after outbreak...

outbreak come after dispute...
dispute come after a series of misunderstanding...
Misunderstanding come after they way 2 people think differently of a certain matter...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Amazing wednesday.

beens like 2 days since my colleage never come. i was doing twice the amt of work everyday .. so tried, everyday reach home, wanted to sleep, my eye simply wan to close, but whenevea lying on the bed, i can't sleep, see wat's the time now. 1 plus reaching 2am, i still cannot sleep, i realli like to think a lot i guess. i kept thinking. thinking, thinking...every single things, life, troubles matter, Ns, frens, everything.. etc
what had i?/would i? /could i? have done?
some matters might be over but it leave a deep impression. every1 preception of me is diff now. some are talk out, some are left quiet, in a far corner. let's make the time cure everything. well lifes nv perfect without frens. books say " you had never experiece teenage if you had no frens." i agree.
haha ^^ alrite, Deadbeat. time to force myself to sleep.

Can ani1 think on my side.
when the misunderstanding took place. every1 misunderstood in on or another way.
I thought she would have been a person who had know me better. not to think it the way they feel i m, maybe i was wrong.

Snoring away.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, bored.

okay. i m no life. lol. work and sleep and work and sleep. basketball at times. facing the computer staring endlessly, didn't realli know excatly wat to do? i have a com!?

which i badly wanted to paly game when i was around sec 1 - sec 3. i was despo for games everydaay. my mum didn't allowed me, which i would always feel tat. omg! i always tell myself. always play till full when my mum's away. cos i won't know when the next time i play again. haha thinking of tat. i realli see hw kiddy i m, haha
AND now`! computer was here everyday. yes i agree, when the com curfew was realease by her when i graduate from ite. i had enjoy myself for the 1st week, 2nd week, ... i started feeling so bored omg~! den i realise. often, OMG i m bored from the games i play. which in another makes me started bloging.
O ya, i jus feel like i m a dazzy, my colleage said tat too. haha, they say they can see me like a smiling budda. den they suan me say i m sure a smilyy budda tat cannot see my eye when i m smiling. damm it!.. i dun 1 to be a budda T_T... alrite off first to meet them up clear things up. build the the rappot wif them hopefully, i dun 1 a sin in my life. or a "look upon" by ani of them. off i go~!

a diamond won't crack. cos it's not a living thing. h3rt will.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

friday, Farewell dinner,

i had farewell dinner wif my colleage today, her last day. she's gonna leave the co. haiz. wasted. another talent gone off the company jus like tat. =( honestly my co. ppl were more like a fren to me. instead of boss, supervisor. ha. once again, my twiny winney eye has be a limelight for every1. to joke around, i dun mind tat. cos my small eye has been said since young. hehe.

went plaze sin ate, ajisen ramen. oya. nv ate the extra large bowl

cos a normal bow could already fill you to the brim liao. make u extra full, after tat went to supermarket to buy ham and eggy. gonna make ham egg mayo tml. i m tired le. nitez.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Wow~! day really pass by fast. especially when u r kinda alone?.. a blink of a eye it's already been the corner of the week. o~ tml friday le. 1 exact month to go before being? bald? haha, yes and i PASS MY Basic Theory with jus 1 shot! haha! but sad= (

my sis fail her's.. we wanted to celebrated together if we pass as we told each other. but too bad. if not i sure have a good treat for her =) still remmeber saying something tat i read on the bao zi about horoscope tat i m kinda "studying recently"i 've brought the fews papers home le,

but i haven place them into my pc. when i have done i'll upload it. hmmx it say, almost all shoking thing to a pisces tat i could be.. but somehow it seems so real to me. i'll try posting it tml or the next day ba. stay tuned.

so much for knowing you. nevertheless, it's still nothing.

Monday, May 5, 2008


!~Roar~! me

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008


did went for work for today, sick. have rashes all over body. proberbly allegy to something ba.think i eaten dried beef ba. had itch all over yesterday. didn't sleep at all cos too itch. but alrite now. didn't see doc. every thing seems find after a long sleep.
and yes!~
my enlistment had come. ~4 SIR~4th Singapore infantry regiment, heard tat it the chiong sua forces. quite xiong. might kana scout. i think. which is like war time = first to scout, which is = first to die. haha.
and the usual trraining i heard at forum will be mostly at cemetry. O.o...
there won't be ani war ani where. so be it. hackcare.
See u there leslie. hehe.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

if ani1 wan comment anithing, call me and talk me. y bother urself with a "."
What's ur meaning here? trying to flame? Call me and talk it out ba.
dun tag wo ur name.i accept critism, but critism wo ani name. fck it.