Thursday, May 8, 2008


Wow~! day really pass by fast. especially when u r kinda alone?.. a blink of a eye it's already been the corner of the week. o~ tml friday le. 1 exact month to go before being? bald? haha, yes and i PASS MY Basic Theory with jus 1 shot! haha! but sad= (

my sis fail her's.. we wanted to celebrated together if we pass as we told each other. but too bad. if not i sure have a good treat for her =) still remmeber saying something tat i read on the bao zi about horoscope tat i m kinda "studying recently"i 've brought the fews papers home le,

but i haven place them into my pc. when i have done i'll upload it. hmmx it say, almost all shoking thing to a pisces tat i could be.. but somehow it seems so real to me. i'll try posting it tml or the next day ba. stay tuned.

so much for knowing you. nevertheless, it's still nothing.

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