Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, bored.

okay. i m no life. lol. work and sleep and work and sleep. basketball at times. facing the computer staring endlessly, didn't realli know excatly wat to do? i have a com!?

which i badly wanted to paly game when i was around sec 1 - sec 3. i was despo for games everydaay. my mum didn't allowed me, which i would always feel tat. omg! i always tell myself. always play till full when my mum's away. cos i won't know when the next time i play again. haha thinking of tat. i realli see hw kiddy i m, haha
AND now`! computer was here everyday. yes i agree, when the com curfew was realease by her when i graduate from ite. i had enjoy myself for the 1st week, 2nd week, ... i started feeling so bored omg~! den i realise. often, OMG i m bored from the games i play. which in another makes me started bloging.
O ya, i jus feel like i m a dazzy, my colleage said tat too. haha, they say they can see me like a smiling budda. den they suan me say i m sure a smilyy budda tat cannot see my eye when i m smiling. damm it!.. i dun 1 to be a budda T_T... alrite off first to meet them up clear things up. build the the rappot wif them hopefully, i dun 1 a sin in my life. or a "look upon" by ani of them. off i go~!

a diamond won't crack. cos it's not a living thing. h3rt will.

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