Tuesday, April 29, 2008

time fly.

time fly. but my ns letter yet to come.. i m lifeless now man.. zzz loss of direction, where should i be going? i m stuck within my life.

quiet.. peaceful. assaulted.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Nothing to talk about, i m just alive.. living blindly and die w/o knowing wat excatly i've i done.
miscommunication! perhaps... but no 1 say a word after the aftermath. no ans was given after all these ragging and screaming i had swallow. life jus carry on.but jus carry on differently in one or another place. i guess i had to find out the ans.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's was a misunderstanding or maybe miscommunication.
I TK, here by apologise to u guys. Wat i said in the blog was harsh, a moment of folly at the point tat time. i expressed wat i wanna to express. and further in game wat i said to sherry, I was never hyprocite, neither am i acting pitiful .. 1 hrs of waiting isn't easy.

U guys have know me for at least 6 months and some even 2 yrs...
Should i try to be 1? i really up to u guys to judge me.

And my chat was with "lol" and others.. it was at a relaxing tense.

And Sori Frens, I was nv a bit hyprocite.

i know how a hyprocite is like. but i nv knew wat i said i actually look like 1

if u guys saw i wrote. den tell me i m still fren of urs? thnx

Saturday, April 26, 2008

BINGO, Fk it,,

Woops i Bingo. As expected. i gotten a msg at 12.30. cooooool they say ain't going.
so wat the 1 fking hrs down my block, i waiting for? unpuctuals frens? XcoolX

Cool. coolllll Fking cool

sorry for not blogging yesterday. i was too tired to. i reach home i sleep staright away on thurs. i work till 9pm. cos i have to reply the email till it's finish.

when reach home i bath le straight die on the bed all the way till friday morning...

now it's 12.04 . FUCK MAN those guys say they gonna go out and supposing meet me at 11. and guesss wat ... i waiting 1 fucking hours. i was so damm freaking pissed offfffffffffffffff... i dun fell like going, but i din't wan to stay at home... so i hold my anger first. but pls.
MY FRking patience have a limited. 1 hours is too long. now they are hanging around eric house.. try out gameing stuff wtf.. can u guys juz tell me so i can make my way up home first. is tat so hard?? fk... he juz msg me " we are testing something" .. wth,.... and some more. 11pm. " wait a while" and the wait came 1 fucking hour.. Sorry my patience have a limited. and the limted fucking exceed. let me guess, they say they were heading west coast.. before 11 pm.

LET ME bet here.
They are gonna change their mind after tat. cos they are enjoying see the games ..
we'll see about it! i wil apolo if i m worng after tat. .

Piss OFF.............she's lost.....so is my buddy. so is every1
fk it why does it always have to be so cruel to me? fk it...................... FK IT!!!!...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Plss Enroll me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, Wat's me gonna me? 30 b4 or 30 after.?
or maybe can't even reach 30 wo.. haha lame -.-"

Frk man... sad.. why isn't there aniiii Ns enlistment letter ... i wan to chop chop finish NS~ chop chop Chiong my poly le. dun waste my time.... pls, god................ other got le i didn't get. heard that june intake was for the "physically not good." which means need for exersise. THEN WHY THE FUCK I M NOT IN.? W8 FOR NEXT YEAR AR? nb... i dun 1 to be like my fren.

w8 for 2 years and yet not enlisted. i call em and they said, "it will be sent to you when it'

s your turn." totally dun allowed to be enlisted. tmd.... Angry...

ani1 got basketball? i wanna play.. but mine burst sian, i pump pump pump den suddenly got 1 BOOM! sound... >.< rot.. I've work so hard for work this month. times flies.

Alright! tk here! taking a vow to every viewers!!(cos he accidentally vow to his sister..) he's not gonna drink soft drinks, sweeten drinks, Only mineral water. and of cos "tasteless water" unless other wise. =( should he!, slap him ... ahaha..
Cos he's a Shui Tong. grew fat tat way... (great...lol.) help him control hoho..

5th week since.. it got better, she got better too.but in another way. Thumbs up for every1.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Boring monday.

I work until 7pm today. i can't finish my work load by 6, den i stay back and do. wif 1 of my colleage there. it's boring but i reply 149 mail today. comparing to normal days which is about 50-70. i reply 149!! quite a lot. but no prize. juz commitment.. something positive that i have ba.. i m quite a patient person ba.
This is the first time i feel so bored. i did not think about anithing on my way back, i was listening to my mp3. keep listening, so quite. annn jing. i using a earpiece that can stuff up the whole ear and cannot even hear a single think outside... hope to get silent from the noisy lonely enviroment.. i dun keen on anithing animore...


Monday, April 21, 2008

Sleepy sunday..

I had came back from chalet since friday nite. Friday i play whole nite de majiong intil 4 am ++ den i went to sleep woke up at 7 get prepare to work at 9 at china town. zy supposingly said that he's gonna accompany me all the way to the bus stop. in the end he pang ssei.... he was snoring away. i know la. i ziii tong.. dun bother to disturb him up juz to acc. me walk to bus stop

cos i was so far aways. we are not at downtown, we at costa sand pasir ris,... took like 10 mins to walk to bus stop. and i reach office at 9.24 late -.- by 24 mins. den today check out at 8+. take cab home with frens. reach home le bath around 10 am in the morning. i sleep all the way until jh called me and said that they were eating steamboat around evening.

i woke up arnd 5.45 bath le den set off to meet them at bedok int. reach geylang eat steamboat. not bad ... quite nice normal normal steamboat lo. juz that got aircon. a bit cooler. they wanted to go ktv. i din't want to, i dun a ktv tat squeeze 10+ people and 3 mic passing around. i dun mind if it's my fren. but got people i dunno der... de.. i dun like....... they gonna sing around 2+ morning ba.. she got bros, to tc of her everytime le ^^ guess i dun need to worried bout her animore
i think i should stop le..... tired. nites

Friday, April 18, 2008

BBBBBBored~~ buaiz

a busy day today... it's kinda of early blogging today... coz i got to go off soon...
buaiz guys taking a long break off cabal, everything...... I should get a life man. wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
well today as usual email come, Reply email... do and do over and over again all the "thank you" "Dear Sir" "sorry for the incovience cause" type until sian... MRT is so squeezy TODAY!! den i Asshole sweat like frk go rubbbbbbbbb me. nb.... sibei tulan. and my ear piece spoilt today.. cos i broke the string.

w8 next month pay ba den i buy 1........... currently kinda broke..

reh ssim... 700170 ot kcab teg ot tnaw yllaer i

Quiet.. think.. imagine. fear...

Okays.... quiet today. my frens went ktv todae. how i wish i can go. but maybe they choose afternoon de. Wat can i do. i told them at nite le... cos work
recently begin to got intrested in horoscope. i "study" as and when i get to see. everything seems so true. wat are they writting, getting to. wat happen. it's kinda accucurate for my kinda life. I quote 1 from horo from mine Scope(双鱼座), it saes "blah blah blah.. den the final sentence, ""Learn to accept it.." tat's wat they advise me.. it was like okie. should i heed the advice a not? nvm tml i go take pictures of wat they sae. den post her ba..
haiazz..........well nvm.. learn to be Accept and be Glad..

She's doing fine now, My shadows should leave soon..
SSSSSSaaADDDDdddD! LLLllOOooSStt!!! CCooommmPPLiiicatttteddddmissHeeeeeeer.!..

Thursday, April 17, 2008

.....4th week since......

I had a normal/bad, day today. nothing much to talk about.
somethings is amiss. but i dunno wat's that neither do i wan to think a bout it. i miss that..

tc.. =(
Phone does not shuts animore, neither does it rings animore....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Eh.. eh.. way too sad......

went home wif my sis together.. take no.33 from Chinatown, den swap to bus no.14....

Whoo Hoo.... Guess wat i saw today when taking bus no. 14 home... cool man.. if not i wouldn't knew too..

Everything was not successful already
I think i still have a gangs of frens well, not my best fren.. but at least, bros..
but i think "BROs" i take this word simply too easy... wae too easy...
朋友与兄弟之间, 差别很大 they are my bros, but i m only their frens ba.. haha.......

*(pathetic man u fail in either side of ur life.)*

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's not that.. i said someone doesn't wan me to play ani more.. something hurts me more than tat. words tat was nv realise. it's seemable and understandable by others. i m really sorry that i have to say that out because i realli wanted u to know .. words was said to me before i said i didn't wan to play animore... something unnice to hear abt.. and i make a U-turn cycle round. another unnice words came by.. would this be a ways u are talking to others?(maybe i was xiao qi ba..) i was so damm sad.. and tat's the reason why i said.. "(dun talk* to him in a way, even a talking to a stranger could win him far off...)"
sori. i drift the anchors apart..(can i join them back again?)

I always so so upset when unnice word were said. I will never blame you because i dun think u did this on purpose. I will always think.. did i sparkle you again..? 伤心都来不及了,何况去怪您。。

Please! nv think that i hate you... becos i dote u more than ani others, tat matters...
Sori... sori...对不起 =(
我真的不想这样。。 真的。。

no one is at fault. misunderstanding is the fault... (maybe i m ..)

let's embrance each other again.
Can i request.. to clear up all our misunderstanding?
hugs hugs.
构构手? (sent me msg.)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Aww aww...

I GOT A Bloody big sui pao on my leg ARGGGGGGGGG! cos i nv wear shoe to play basketball today.. arG! pain sia. now walking super pain LOL , no choice la cos i ask for it LOL... who call u dun 1 wear shoe la. i m ah pui already, but today got 1 sibei big ah pui step on my leG!!!!!!! 2x my size some more WALAO EH. 100kg on my tiny last toe arrg orh chey liao la.! Si Ah pui Pui. i'll sure smack his belly next time LOL. i hope enlistment come in asap. i wan a better physical man.. and botak also haha. i wonder how i look like when botak hehe i'll take a photo down when i cut botak for BMTC. hohoho. take a be4 and after shot. weeee!

fate - faith - faithful - Fatal...from sour to bitter to..i dun wish a taste ni more

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Shooting star!

O.o i saw a shooting start yesterday at bbq! i forget to blog it up my after post yesterday. Russel saw it too. unfortunately i did have a time to take down a photo. it was a twiney winne shooting star. and only in a blink of the eye. as heard from tv, to made a wish for a shooting star seen.
I've made mine. hopping for a better days. fren and family get's better throught out their life... and my blessing off to her..
Do fine pls! stay cool and cheerful!
In 07-10-07, I miss tat kinda of u.
tag me guys if u have a blog.

Y is she sad, confused, lost, uncertain..?
If u are suffering alone, i'll be worried. but if there's is some1 you can talk to, it's ok.
but if there's no1..you can always share wif me wat's bothering you....
perhaps tat will let u feel better... Yea? Called me/msg me.
it's will be fine after a shivering rainy day..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

i m performing like a fren now..

again! another quar. sparkled.. haiz. kns... y am i aways being "insulted/ threaten" for no good reasons ,n others dun? it's not tat i can't talk back or wat, but for a person tat i dote, i'll nv do tat man..I can take it for once, twice, thrice, i can't everytime. hyper tired.

It's climbing above my head. damm it...i can't apologise animore..cos i too tried too, i feel i have the rights to deserve1. to ani1 who seen,

"if u dun treat tk as tk, treat him as a fren at least.
, even if you dun treat him as a fren have, at least.. basic respect like how a stranger being treated as.."

难道。。。我是(她的)眼中钉?(hope not)。。。

(dun talking to him in a way, even a talking to a stranger could win him far off...)

let me get off this single-sided luv cirle round and round....

Friday, April 11, 2008


It friday today. guess tml gonna had a super tought day. later gonna wake up at 7.30 am off to work, den evening time got to rush back home, den meet my frens out at east coast park for bbq outing, next day still got works i wonder i can tahan a not. but aniwaes should be the last few times we all get to meet together le, they are starting school veri soon, well i gonna be super sian le. no more calls. frens all schooling. Hp changes, but nv rings like before animore... Guess tat's a fullstops. tc. dotes u bless u.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Ghosh! Look at the time now! it's 3 plus, late blogging again. my mum found my lost wallet at msia. woo. now can change le. wee.. Ns Ns faster come i m awaiting. guess tml gonna be late for work again ARg!

juz now went changi village saw a lot OF She-male juz like andrews hahahaha!
but some realli look pretty. some dun lol. all at the car park roaming around awaiting business. but i can see business not quite good sia lol. i saw 1, den he/she stared at me -.-" her na na was like eeeeeeeks. lol, ok SLP! nitez tc.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


As usual worked todae. take mrt home so so squeezy... Jus came back wif my frens out eating supper, i ate man zzz suppose to cut weight but the food tempt me haha. gain my weight again. today . tml whole day again . hope dun commit mistake like today . make whole co. suffer. i delete all their Print Q list.
lucky no 1 scold phew.

3 week le... thing's got better, hope still can be like last time, as talkative as ever, if u have anithing unhappy or upset about, i can still be back a listening ear like ever before, okie ^.^ tc care always..
"u always seem to be happy in present. but deeply i can see ur stuggles, i wanted to help out but got it even worst. =x"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


In A struggle. ..

Okay, I have jus finish editing tat shout out -.-" and i had a hard time adjusting the size. but finally! it's done. phew. going sleep le.
Today, it's like striking toto! my sis actually treat me dinner at Sakura. soooo sooo rare! haha i nv ate much cutting down haha. preparing for ns. here i come! woos. it should be fun ba. i hope =)

Monday, April 7, 2008


Went out today for the whole day since 12pm in the afternoon today, we went to celebrate jiemin's birthday. Had a suprise for her, hehe after tat went to paris*(dunno how spell) for high-tea buffet, Sux like shit the food. totally hate it. i rather eat a KFC than tat, lol. Den we went pasir park -.-"" dunno who suggest 1 lol, Bored but we had fun. like yesterday.
din had time to meet up my guys. sori le.. =( wonder is she doing fine, ok slp le tired....

Sunday, April 6, 2008


i m juz back from outside, went to pasir ris park wif my guys. we had fun. thought some din join in>.<, I have been Out cast, Be it i have not/done wrong, i wasn't hated hopefully, but treated as a strangers... So happy to have a company of frens to share each and every of our unhappy matters, happiness among us, in that twiny yellow Sports cars. we talk our depth out. felt much better now. woos!

Cheers tk.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


i juz have a bit on cabal. Frens have all gone to Premium server le. seems tat it izzn't fun animore. we can realli get to the same channel le, but it's not their fault aniway, it's the server caps tat's is so minimum.. a simple log in to public server will easily take about 20 mins. so long.. hmmx decided to stop gamming at the moment. back when i have the moods ba. At night den talke ba. i go rest a bit first ^^

it's late.

Back from Yishun den. gee =) i feel so better now. ^^ i was so moody fews day ahead. so sad. so emotionally down. so... so.. haiz. there so many thing i'm unhappy about. o.. ya today morning i had a super headache... i din went for work den my sis nag n nag sob.. but alright after a long long sleep i woke up at 8 am. bath le. den super heaache. i ate panadol, told my sis and decided not to work den i sleep on.. until 6pm -.-"! i actually nv ate... woo.. haha. * burnt fats*. den woke up le play basketball-.-" so angry when playing with those adult that elbow me >< damm it! man. feel like kicking his ass. lol. i kick i sure die lol. tml work at 8 am o.o look at the time now. TK! u bloody hell! now still blogging! hahaha ok off i go. WhisP~

Friday, April 4, 2008


today. Went to work again, so tired now. but insist on blogging, i can say out wat i feels, dunno when will my blogging heat last. perphaps i wasn't playing game recently ba, i being to explore the arts or blogging learning how to make make pic slides, upload song, etc.. learning slowly hehe.
I had hell lot of paper cut today damm it!
today aftersoon super heavy rain.. somemore got thunder. i was shocked twice by the roaring sound when i was replying my email, den my colleage all say i timid.. but i m actually not scare of anthing de lor, just that i had a phobia lor, a thunder strike twice in front me when i was young the strike was like 5 m away from me. i could easily die man if i m 5m ahead. >< Phobia since sob.

So damm tired now. i shall sleep. nitez bloggy ^.^ wrk tml.
Takecare to those whom i dote and care about. Wrk is impt but dun neglate ur health.. =(

Thursday, April 3, 2008

looking forward...

O.o, my grand pa came from msia. bought lot's of durian i eat hell lots. but i cutting down my weight lei -.-". i die die want to sit on the bumper boat on the nxt trip Genting which is >70kg!!! damm it.! cos i n over.. by 10kg i suppose. lol.

i realise People are treated differently with regards to a certain matter, imagine a same joke is crack by 2 personal(A/B) to a person, 1 thoughts for person A might be funny another for person B thoughts might be lame. 2 diff person ba.. 但是不同人, 有不同的待遇吧..
I feel tat way too sometimes towards my fren(A/B) too. if u r the one.. suay lor. i m, hahahaa. but nvm le.
I was always thinking.. wat happen? am i wrong.? maybe it was me.. but i felt insulted sometimes.. and i'll get angry for no good..

Well, my thousand sorri would not be enufff. I've said my sorri.
I think even if a guy is not/in the wrong, i think we should be more gentleman for me to say sorry first... to me,
I 'll Stop getting myself stuck up around..i think is clear, but i didn't wan it to, i have no choice. T_T

Haiya, HAHAHA!! Think too much also no good la. think more i think i will get more and more emo man! i felt much better now, i speak my heart out. so cool! <3 Blog. LOL. bye!
Kinda tired, nevertheless. give me some time i'll be back on myself.
*=) smiles! always tk!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Work today...

Siannnzzzzzzzzz start work le, heng heng lady boss super good to me. cos i been working part time at tat agency for 3 yrs le. haha. well i do all kinda think there. carry tables, update webby. sorting invoices, e-mail reply. bleh bleh bleh. so on. haha. kinda old bird der le. today i saw boss. and he said. " Who Ask u to come here?" "why is he here?" he asked the lady boss.. den i was like.. o dear.... den he whispered to me april fool. den i remember apr fool todae. ha XD...
well. wed le, 1 wk le.. i realli want to say. i nv wanted it to happen de. somehow it juz does... haiz. alright. off i doze zZZ..

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


hmmx sometimes i wonder, there's sm1 whom i dearly dote. I aways wanna talk with. but it's super hard to maintance a proper conversation with her. I always wanted to make the chat as relax as it could be, as less-stressful from de stress got from her school as told. but eventually it'll always be a 180 degree turn upside down... dumb me ar=( ... i realli didn't want it to happen... who would like tat right? but sometimes i must admit my words are a bit far too off too. sometimes i would realli wanna find a best fren to talk to.. well. still finding.. ok call off a nite. off to tried to sleep.