Friday, April 4, 2008


today. Went to work again, so tired now. but insist on blogging, i can say out wat i feels, dunno when will my blogging heat last. perphaps i wasn't playing game recently ba, i being to explore the arts or blogging learning how to make make pic slides, upload song, etc.. learning slowly hehe.
I had hell lot of paper cut today damm it!
today aftersoon super heavy rain.. somemore got thunder. i was shocked twice by the roaring sound when i was replying my email, den my colleage all say i timid.. but i m actually not scare of anthing de lor, just that i had a phobia lor, a thunder strike twice in front me when i was young the strike was like 5 m away from me. i could easily die man if i m 5m ahead. >< Phobia since sob.

So damm tired now. i shall sleep. nitez bloggy ^.^ wrk tml.
Takecare to those whom i dote and care about. Wrk is impt but dun neglate ur health.. =(

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