Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's not that.. i said someone doesn't wan me to play ani more.. something hurts me more than tat. words tat was nv realise. it's seemable and understandable by others. i m really sorry that i have to say that out because i realli wanted u to know .. words was said to me before i said i didn't wan to play animore... something unnice to hear abt.. and i make a U-turn cycle round. another unnice words came by.. would this be a ways u are talking to others?(maybe i was xiao qi ba..) i was so damm sad.. and tat's the reason why i said.. "(dun talk* to him in a way, even a talking to a stranger could win him far off...)"
sori. i drift the anchors apart..(can i join them back again?)

I always so so upset when unnice word were said. I will never blame you because i dun think u did this on purpose. I will always think.. did i sparkle you again..? 伤心都来不及了,何况去怪您。。

Please! nv think that i hate you... becos i dote u more than ani others, tat matters...
Sori... sori...对不起 =(
我真的不想这样。。 真的。。

no one is at fault. misunderstanding is the fault... (maybe i m ..)

let's embrance each other again.
Can i request.. to clear up all our misunderstanding?
hugs hugs.
构构手? (sent me msg.)

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