Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's was a misunderstanding or maybe miscommunication.
I TK, here by apologise to u guys. Wat i said in the blog was harsh, a moment of folly at the point tat time. i expressed wat i wanna to express. and further in game wat i said to sherry, I was never hyprocite, neither am i acting pitiful .. 1 hrs of waiting isn't easy.

U guys have know me for at least 6 months and some even 2 yrs...
Should i try to be 1? i really up to u guys to judge me.

And my chat was with "lol" and others.. it was at a relaxing tense.

And Sori Frens, I was nv a bit hyprocite.

i know how a hyprocite is like. but i nv knew wat i said i actually look like 1

if u guys saw i wrote. den tell me i m still fren of urs? thnx

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